This event represents a unique opportunity to bring together local and regional authorities’ representatives from the EU and developing countries to exchange their views and hold a political dialogue with the European institutions on development cooperation. The ultimate aim is to reinforce development aid effectiveness towards the full integration of local and regional authorities into the development cooperation policies and to build a genuine EU partnership between the different actors active in the field of development.
The European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI) is associated to the organisation of this event, by contributing to the debates of one of the 5 thematic roundtables, namely the Round Table 3 – decentralisation in developing countries, including fiscal dimension.
The issues to be addressed during this Round Table will include the role of local, intermediate and regional authorities in framing and implementing decentralisation in the partner countries, their means in supporting decentralisation, the advantages and obstacles in their path, the best ways to support fiscal decentralisation and mobilisation of local and external financial resources.
For more details, programme and inscriptions please visit: