CEPLI Contribution to the White Paper of the Committee of the Regions on Multilevel Governance dated 17th of June 2009 (CdR 89/2009)

The European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (Confédération Européenne des Pouvoirs Locaux Intermédiaires – CEPLI) is the first European confederation of national associations of local intermediate authorities and associated networks. CEPLI intends being a model of cooperation and exchange, to the benefit of its members and Europe. It aims to become a recognised partner of European institutions as well as of other European and national associations.

CEPLI comprises the Assembly of French Départements (ADF), the German County Association (DLT), Union of Italian Provinces (UPI), Association of Walloon Provinces (APW), Association of Flemish Provinces (VVP), National Association of Bulgarian Municipalities (ANMRB), Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Union of Prefectoral Authorities of Greece (ENAE), National Association of County Governments of Hungary (MOOSZ), National Union of Judet Councils of Romania (UNCJR), Union of Powiats of Poland (UPP), as well as associated members, namely the Arc Latin and Partenalia networks.

CEPLI seeks to introduce explicitly the intermediate level in the White Paper on Multilevel Governance, considering that Local Intermediate authorities (LIAs), although invested with different competences throughout Europe, are playing a key role in providing everyday answers to the needs of the population and their territories, for them to be able to face the effects of the crisis. The knowledge they have because of their proximity and their critical mass makes them to be able to act in the most appropriate and quickest way.