This conference adopted the Convention of the Confederation and provided iteself with a President:
Mr. Claudy LEBRETON, President of the County Council of Coats d’Arms, President of the Assembly of Departments of France (ADF).
Also three vice-presidents were elected:
- Antoni FOGUE, President di Diputació di Barcelona, President of the Diputaciones Committee in the FEMP (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Spain)
- Ferenc ODOR, President of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Government, President of MÖOSZ (National Association of Megye, Hungary)
- Helmut M. JAHN, President of Hohenlohekreis, member of the Presidency of DLT (Deutscher Landkreistag, Germany)
The conference of Cáceres also discussed the position of CEPLI about the Green Book on Territorial Cohesion, which was officially submitted to the European Commission.
Meanwhile, all CEPLI members and associated networks agreed on a series of organizational provisions set forth in a Partnership Agreement, aiming at facilitating the achievement of the Confederation’s objectives.