Local Intermediate Authorities participating in Open Days 2011

On this occasion, panellists from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain will discuss how LIAs (Local Intermediate Authorities) are facing the challenges set up by the Strategy Europe 2020.

The first part of the debate, entitled “Digital Europe and Innovation – the role of Local Intermediate Authorities in Europe 2020 strategy” will relate to innovation, digitalization and creativity in European provinces and cities.

The second part, entitled “Energy efficiency at local level for the benefit of Europe 2020 goals” will relate to actions towards energy efficiency and their influence in terms of future perspective of a smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe.

The projects to be outlined during the debate will reveal how the problems were solved at local level in an innovative and efficient way, how the LIAs selected the adequate measures, what were the outcomes, positive results, challenges and lessons learned.

The speakers from these countries will present and discuss best practices for interaction between stakeholders at local level and the influence of innovation and energy efficiency on job creation and social policies.

Pictures from different parts of Europe will show how problems were treated, from the Balkans to Belgium and France and also to the South of Europe, using the EU regional policy funding. Speakers will challenge the debate by trying to find common features to comparable solutions

The debate will tackle questions regarding the management of their local communities in the present economic situation in Europe and scarce financial and energy resources and ever-deepening problems of an ageing population, youth unemployment and public pressure to reduce administrative burden.

The panellists engaging in this debate will be the following:
Mr. Valentín CORTÉS, President of Diputación de Badajoz (ES); Mrs. Guinka Tchavdarova, NAMRB – Executive director (BG); President of Diputación de Cáceres (ES) – name tbc after elections results; Mr. Hervé RASCLARD, First Vice-President of Drôme County Council (FR); Mr. Jean TOUZEAU, Deputy of Gironde County Council (FR); Mr. Georges PIRE, Provincial Deputy of the Province of Liège (BE); Mrs. Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of the city of Łódź (PL); Mr. Giovanni AVANTI, President of the Province of Palermo (IT); Mr. Piero LACORAZZA, President of the Province of Potenza (IT); Mr. Mircea COSMA, President of Prahova County Council (RO); Mrs. Francesca ZACCARIOTTO, President of the Province of Venezia (IT); Mr. Alain TRUSSART, Provincial Deputy of the Province of Walloon Brabant (BE).

The venue of the event:
Residence Palace (International Press Centre)
Salle Polak
Rue de la Loi 155
1040 Bruxelles

For more information please contact the lead partner of the Regional Partnership:
Brussels European Office
National Union of County Councils of Romania
24, Rue Montoyer, B-1000, Brussels
Tel:  + 32 2 231 7141
Fax: + 32 2 231 7003
M:    + 32 479457949
E-mail: liliana.mangeac@uncjr.org