Arco Latino - European network (provinces located in the north-western Euro-Mediterranean area)
President: Ms Núria Marín, Barcelona County, Spain
Political Representative for CEPLI: Mr Pere Granados, Alcalde de Salou, Spain
APW – Association des Provinces Wallonnes (Wallon Provinces Association)
President: Mr Tanguy Stuckens, Président du Collège de la Province du Brabant wallon
ADF – Assemblée des Départements de France (Provinces Assembly of France)
President: Mr François SAUVADET, Côte-d’Or County
Political Representative for CEPLI: Mr André Viola, Aude County
DLT – Deutscher Landkreistag (German County Association)
President: Mr Reinhard SAGER, Ostholstein County
Political Representative for CEPLI: Mr Steffen Krach, Hanover Region
UPI – Unione Province d’Italia (Union of the Provinces of Italy)
President: Mr Michele de Pascale, Ravenna County
Political Representative for CEPLI: Mr Luca Menesini, Lucca County
Partenalia – European network (Provinces from Spain, France, Belgium)
President : Mr Luis Menor Pérez, President of the Diputación de Ourense
ZPP - Związek Powiatów Polskich (Association of Polish Counties)
President: Mr Andrzej PŁONKA, Bielsko Biała County
UNCJR – Uniunea Națională a Consiliilor Județene din România (National Union of County Councils of Romania)
President: ---
General Director: Mr Sorin Munteanu.
FEMP - Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces)
President: Ms María José García-Pelayo Jurado, Jerez de la Frontera
Political Representative for CEPLI: Javier Aureliano García Molina, Diputación de Almería
UCRM – Uniunea Consiliilor Raionale din Republica Moldova (Union of District Councils of Moldova)
President: Vasile SECRIERU
Executive Director: Igor ŞEREMET