Starting with its creation in July 2008, the Constitutive Charter and the Partnership Agreement of 2009 formed the basis of the cooperation framework between the CEPLI members.
The participants agreed on the statutes of the ASBL and the new internal rules.
The President of CEPLI, Mr. Giuseppe Castiglione (UPI, Italy), the Vice-President, Mr. Paul-Emile Mottard (APW, Belgium), the Secretary-General, Mr. Claudy Lebreton (ADF, France) and the Treasurer, Mr. Helmut Jahn (DLT, Germany) have been reconfirmed.
The presidents of national associations representing the intermediate local authorities have decided to join their forces in order to increase their involvement and participation in the European decision-making process, to reinforce the consistency and visibility of their activities in the European area, to facilitate cooperation between intermediate local authorities and to establish the continuous exchange of information and good practices between their local authorities.