Technology and innovation for infrastructure routes management: Italian Provinces team up with technological clusters

To better meet the objectives on strategic infrastructure set by the National Resilience and Recovery Plan, the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI) has started a partnership with ‘Rete 1000 Infrastrutture’ an infrastructure network bringing together more 80 private and public stakeholders – technological districts and clusters, universities and research institutes, companies.

The agreement signed by UPI and Rete 1000 lays down a cooperation for sharing competences and instruments for monitoring and develop innovative technical solutions for road infrastructures – bridges, viaducts, tunnels whose management falls under Provinces’ jurisdiction – with the aim to identify technological gaps as well as to develop systemic solutions for infrastructure projects. 

Thanks to the network’s experience and know-how – focused on innovative multisensory, artificial intelligence and satellite techniques – it will be created a platform for the continuous, static and dynamic monitoring of the parameters that ensure the stability and safety of bridges and tunnels of the communication routes. The platform will serve UPI to stimulate and promote the development of the country’s territory, as well as to improve risk management techniques.

The agreement protocol includes a list of actions to be developed in synergy by UPI and Rete 1000 network, according to an investment time planning, and operational guidelines for planned initiatives and pilot projects.

Antonio Colangelo, President of TeRN – Technologies for Earth Observation and Natural Risks and newly elected President of the network Rete 1000 Infrastrutture, states: “The Network will be a vector for development and innovation throughout Italy; it will focus on the relaunch of Southern rgeions as priority objective set by the NRPP with the aim to strengthen cohesion and promote economic growth.” The technological partnership created for the monitoring of infrastructures and for the prevention of risks will be an ambitious and “unprecedented challenge for the country system in terms of innovative scope, effectiveness and reliability.”

UPI’s website to the project