The Presidents of the Committee of Regions and CEPLI agree strengthen their collaboration in the future

Mr. Paul-Emile Mottard stressed the commitment of the CEPLI to collaborate in the implementation of the priorities set by the CoR to his sixth term, paying particular attention to the strengthening of the territorial dimension of European policies and projects .

Mr Markkula stressed the importance of ensuring the diversity of levels of authority representative local democracy. He encouraged CEPLI to collaborate in the work of the CIVEX Commission on analyzes territorial impact. He examined with great interest the comparative study on the competencies of local and regional authorities realized by CEPLI, believing that this work could be very useful for the CIVEX Commission.

Markku Markkula gentlemen and Paul-Emile Mottard also discussed issues related to Investment Plan for Europe (Map Juncker) for which it is essential to allow all local stakeholders, large and small, to find their place .

CEPLI has a role to play to make the sensitivity of local intermediate authorities and testify projects at the local level between public authorities and private sector.

President Markkula was very interested in feedback that can give him CEPLI about the realities sometimes different, which exist locally for the implementation of European projects and programs.