UNCJR, co-organiser of the 6th Forum for descentralised cooperation between France and Romania, Braşov, November 3-5, 2022

This Forum is an initiative that took shape almost 20 years ago and which brings together associations of Romanian and French local authorities representing regions, provinces, big cities, towns and municipalities, in partnership with AFCCRE (Association Française du Conseil des Communes et Régions d’Europe) and with the support of the Romanian and French central authorities.

For the edition 2023, the discussions were focused on the relevant role of local authorities in organising the reception and integration of refugees from Ukraine, highlighting the example of the cooperation between Aude and Tarn Provincial Councils from France and Maramures and Tulcea Provincial Councils from Romania.

The National Union of County Councils of Romania (UNCJR), one of the founding members of CEPLI and a reliable partner of the French provinces and their national association,  l’Assemblée des Départements de France (ADF), plays a catalytic role for a better future cooperation between provinces, by providing the necessary support and expertise to achieve the needed influence of the intermediate level at the European level, as a level of local power close to citizens and their real needs.

UNCJR webpage: https://uncjr.ro/web/s-au-inchieat-lucrarile-celei-de-a-sasea-editii-a-forumului-cooperarii-descentralizate-romano-franceze/

AFCCRE webpage: http://afccre.org/fr/agenda/6%C3%A8mes-assises-franco-roumaine-de-la-coop%C3%A9ration-d%C3%A9centralis%C3%A9e-brasov-roumanie-du-3-au-5-novem#.Y2vcBtJByMB